Dr Gavish: “My daughter’s treatment was a great success!”
Dr. Gavish, a senior anesthetist, says: “My daughter suffered very severe pains in her foot as a result of RSD syndrome. I heard from doctor friends whom Oren Zarif had helped. I had faith in them and Oren succeeded and he healed my daughter’s foot!”
To the list of doctors who are astonished by Oren Zarif’s success in treating patients by subconscious means, we can add Dr. Gavish, a senior anesthetist from the central region.
Dr. Gavish brought his young daughter, Elinor, to Oren’s clinic because of severe pain in her foot. She had twisted her ankle two months previously and as a result of her foot being immobile, she came down with RSD syndrome which is characterized by severe pain.
Dr. Gavish: “I brought my daughter to Oren despite the fact that I am an anesthetist and understand about pain and the possible complications resulting from traumas. I also heard from a colleague in Beersheba whose mother he had successfully treated and I decided that I must bring my daughter to him and see what he could do.
“To tell the truth, I had faith in him. I believed that Oren could cure her and he did. The pain in her foot disappeared! I am very grateful to Oren and he has become my guru…”
His daughter Elinor says: “ Two months ago I twisted my ankle and later came down with an illness that wouldn’t go away. The pain was too horrible to bear. When my dad told me he was taking me to Oren Zarif for treatment, I had faith that he would help me. And Oren succeeded in freeing me from my terrible suffering and my foot healed. Even since I met Oren I haven’t stopped smiling…”

The married medical couple: "We are thrilled by Oren Zarif’s abilities and by his successes!”
Married couple Dr. Haviva and Dr. Ivan V. visited Oren Zarif after watching a TV report about him – and now they express their gratitude to him for the success of his treatments.
Dr. Haviva and Dr. Ivan V. from Northern Israel – an ophthalmologist and a dentist respectively – happened to see a Channel 2 report about Oren Zarif. They were amazed to hear of his method using the subconscious and wondered whether it might be able to help them where conventional medicine, so familiar to them, was not succeeding.
The pair booked an appointment and went along to Oren Zarif’s clinic. They explained their problems to him and he promised to do his very best to help them… within less than a month they could already report that treatment had been successful.
In Haviva’s own words: “We visited Oren Zarif after seeing him on the TV, and I’m just thrilled by his abilities and by what he manages to do. I was very impressed by all the stories I heard from people I met there and, of course, by the way in which he helped me personally. I’m very grateful to him and offer him my best wishes. I’m so happy that I came. “
Husband Ivan agrees wholeheartedly. “We were very impressed by the TV report, so we went to consult with Oren about various things that had been bothering us. Now I feel so much better thanks to Oren’s treatments, and I’m very grateful to him.”

Pediatrician gives her recommendation to treatment using the subconscious.
Dr. Gittin, a pediatrician from northern Israel, testifies: "Oren Zarif's treatments do get results."
"I am very impressed by the results of Oren Zarif's treatment using the subconscious. I've heard some amazing stories here." So we were told by Dr. L. Gittin, a pediatrician from northern Israel, who visited Oren Zarif's clinic.
"I read an article about Oren Zarif in the paper, and decided to go and see for myself," says Dr. Gittin. "Oren helped me out, and while I was with him, I was impressed by the seemingly endless stream of patients who kept arriving. I even saw people brought in by ambulance, and children under artificial respiration. He treated every single one of them."
"The most amazing thing is that they all look upon Oren as some sort of God. They really believe in him. You can see how their eyes light up on arriving here. Patients have amazing stories to tell about Oren's treatments. Stories of legs saved by Oren from amputation and paralyzed arms that start moving…
Dr. Gittin concludes by telling us: "I would advise everyone to go and experience Oren Zarif's treatment using the subconscious. He does get results."

Married doctors: “An ovarian cyst disappeared as a result of treatments with Oren Zarif!”
Drs. Miri and Hayyim K., married doctors, visited Oren Zarif after a cyst was discovered on Miri’s ovary. After a number of treatments using the subconscious, they were astounded to discover that the cyst had disappeared! “It’s a real miracle”, they assure us. “Oren’s method is amazing!”
Drs. Miri and Hayyim K. are a married couple who both practice medicine. She is an ophthalmologist, while he specializes in cardiology. They visited Oren Zarif’s clinic hoping to benefit from his unique method of treatment using the subconscious. A cyst had been discovered on Miri’s left ovary, and the oncologist was recommending surgery.
“Both the oncologist and the gynecologist told us that the cyst didn’t look good, and that surgery was the only option”, Miri explains. “I decided that I would try some treatments with Oren Zarif first. After giving me a few treatments, Oren advised me to have another scan.”
Miri went to hospital for an ultrasound – and the doctor there was amazed to discover that the cyst had disappeared… “he told me that everything was fine. There was no sign of the cyst at all… I was so excited!”
As a doctor, what can you say about Oren Zarif’s method of treatment?
“It’s an amazing method. I can’t yet explain to you how it manages to induce change in the subconscious, but it certainly worked extremely well with me! I had an operation in the past after being diagnosed with breast cancer, and this time, when they found the cyst, I was terrified – but Oren managed to calm me down completely. Treatment with him made me feel a million times better…
“I was almost positive that after the surgery on my ovary, I would have to have chemotherapy, so Oren actually saved me from that as well”.
At Miri’s side sits her husband Hayyim, a doctor of internal medicine and cardiologist. “We have such a lot of respect for Oren”, says Hayyim. “ Thanks to him, there has been a big improvement in my wife’s medical condition, and we are so grateful to him. It really is a miracle!”
– As a doctor, how can you explain it?
“I’ve always known that there are things that can’t be explained by conventional medicine. I supported my wife, and urged her to go to Oren Zarif for treatments, and they really did help. There’s no question about it.”
Would you recommend everyone to visit Oren Zarif?
“Absolutely, that goes without saying!”
Dr. Sergey Weiman: "Combining Conventional Medicine and Oren Zarif's Method"
Dr. Weiman, MD, took his mother for treatment to Oren Zarif as conventional medicine could not solve her chronic pains – Subconscious treatment helped and the pains subsided.
"If conventional medicine is not successful in solving the problem, I recommend visiting Oren Zarif," says Dr. Sergey Weiman, MD, former surgeon in the former Soviet Union.
"In these modern times, conventional medicine alone cannot always help," adds Dr. Weiman, "and we see how it sometimes needs help from alternative medicine. In my opinion, there is room for combining both methods, including Oren Zarif's. They can work together; not one instead of the other but one with the other."
Dr. Weiman took his mother to Oren Zarif's clinic in Jerusalem as for years she had been suffering from acute back, legs and hands pains. "Conventional medicine did not help her," says Dr. Weiman. Zarif's subconscious treatment was the turning point. After several treatments with Zarif, my mother's condition improved considerably," says Dr. Weiman. "The pains have almost disappeared and we are very thankful to him. We recommend those who need it to visit Oren Zarif!

Dr. Emile: "Oren Zarif's treatment really works!"
The doctor attests: "I suffered from cancerous tumors in my liver, and since I started treatment with Oren, less than 10% of the tumors remain… his energetic treatment works through the brain!"
Dr. Emile Y, a Rumanian immigrant who has lived for over 20 years in Israel, came to Oren Zarif's clinic while struggling against cancer.
"I suffered from cancerous tumors in the liver, and after a few treatments of Oren Zarif's treatment, thank god, most of the tumors have disappeared. I am on the right road, and think that less than 10% of the tumors remain! I am continuing treatment."
As a doctor, how do you explain Oren Zarif's method?
"I think Oren performs energetic treatment that really works through the brain. There can also be neuro-endocrinological (type of tumor) changes… that's how I explain it.
What can you say about Oren?
"I thank him and wish him a long and healthy life."
Dr. Keinan: "Oren helped my daughter, I recommend his subconscious method"
Dr. Y. Keinan, orthopedic specialist: "As a doctor I know that we don't know everything, there is no doubt that there is something in the strength of the subconscious… Perhaps Oren can also help doctors develop it"
Dr. Y. Keinan, orthopedic specialist and surgeon for some 30 years, came to Oren Zarif's clinic with his daughter and was amazed by the unique method of treatment. In contrast with many doctors, Dr. Keinan isn't afraid of expressing his support for the method, which doesn't replace conventional medicine, but rather complements it.
Dr. Keinan: "Oren Zarif uses a subconscious method which is not so well known in medicine, but which is definitely recognized in countries such as India and China. By the use of his method, Oren helped my daughter."
How can you explain his method?
"As a conventional doctor I know that we don't know everything. We do know a lot, but we also lack a lot of knowledge. I have no doubt that there is something in the strength of the subconscious… I would recommend it – the problem is that not everyone knows how to use it.
"In my opinion, every one of us has the ability to use the subconscious, but how to activate this strength – that's the problem… In this matter, I hope Oren Zarif will be able to help doctors too."
Dr. Kramer: “Oren Zarif treated my daughter who suffers from multiple sclerosis (MS) and helped her greatly.”
Dr. R. Kramer, neurologist: “Oren has power in his hands that enables him to help heal the most serious illnesses… even multiple sclerosis. As a doctor, I know nothing can help MS – but Oren Zarif managed to help her.”
Dr. R. Kramer, a long-time neurologist, who worked in Leningrad for 30 years and also in Israel, brought her daughter, who suffers from MS, a chronic neurological disease, to Oren's clinic in Jerusalem last year.
Dr. Kramer said: “As a neurologist, I am familiar with this illness and know that no treatment is actually effective, but Oren Zarif succeeded in helping her.”
“We visited his clinic last year and she underwent many treatments. Her condition improved radically – she became more stable, her sense of balance improved, she walks straighter…In the beginning she was very weak but now she has become stronger. We are very grateful to him and are continuing the treatments.”
As a doctor specializing in the nervous system, how do you explain that Oren succeeded where other treatments failed?
“I have no idea, but he has some power in his hands and in his knowledge that allow him to succeed where others fail. I saw how he helped others, I send him many patients…I wish him health and the strength to continue helping people.”