Parents are amazed at Oren Zarif’s success at treating son’s rare medical problem
Every parent’s nightmare is giving birth to a baby with a medical problem that no doctor can treat. Many such parents take their child from doctor to doctor, specialist to specialist, try alternative medicine, search, consult… and all to no avail. The only answer they get is, “We can’t do anything”.

Such were the parents of S., today a grinning ten-year-old. S. was born with a problem in his left cheek that caused extreme swelling that continued to worsen. The swelling in turn endangered his left eye, which was being pressed outward.
S.’s mother said, “Since he was young, doctors have told us that this condition has no treatment except an operation that can be performed in Boston in extreme cases. We went to the best specialists, we even went to Rabbi Elimelech Firer [head of the non-profit Ezra l’Marpeh https://ezra-lemarpe.org/]. Unfortunately, no one could help us, and S.’s condition continued to worsen. He was too embarrassed to go to school because his cheek was the size of a balloon.”
The turning point came when a friend suggested that they take S. to see paranormalist Oren Zarif, who uses the forces of the sub-conscious to heal.
“S. has now had four treatments,” says his mother, “and there’s already a noticeable improvement, really unexplainable. His lip has receded, and his eye is back in place. Now at worst he looks like he’s had a dental anesthetic. The fact that Oren has been able to bring us this far is enough for me, and we’re confident that there’s still more he can do. We’re all in shock from the magic he can perform, and can’t understand how he does it!”