Simona A. did everything possible to avoid knee replacement surgery, but every doctor she visited told her she had no choice. After she was treated by Oren Zarif the pain disappeared, the professor professed amazement, and the surgery was cancelled!
Simona A. describes her unbelievable story in the moving passage below:
“About a year ago I got up one morning to find that I couldn’t put any weight on one of my legs. I went to the doctor at my local clinic, and he examined me and said that there was no cartilage left in my knee, and that I had to have a replacement. I asked what that meant, and he told me there was nothing to be done; he could prescribe me pain killers, but surgery was unavoidable.
“I returned home depressed. I made an appointment to see a private doctor, and he told me the same thing. I wasn’t willing to give up yet, so I went to the top doctors and professors in the country, just to be absolutely sure. After all, the surgery is a difficult one, with a recovery period of three months, and it doesn’t even always work.
“I couldn’t come to terms with the idea of the surgery, because I’m a person bounding with energy, always on the move, and I couldn’t face the thought of being out of action after the operation.
“All in all, I visited no less than nine doctors and professors, and they all said the same thing. I have nine letters; one from each doctor; and every single letter recommends the surgery!
“After they booked me in for the operation, I saw an ad for Oren Zarif in the paper. My son told me to “give it a try”. My husband said, “I don’t usually believe in these methods, but what do you have to lose? You’ve tried everything else; why not give it a go?!” My husband gave me the impetus to do it, so I took the initiative and made an appointment with Oren Zarif.
“By the time I arrived at his clinic, the pain was terrible. I was climbing the walls in spite of taking three arcoxia pain killers a day. Oren gave me vitamins and my first treatment, and told me to come back for another. Straight after the second treatment, I couldn’t stand on my leg at all for the pain. After three minutes, though, I suddenly began to walk. Oren told me to come back for a third treatment only after I had finished taking all the vitamins.
“During the month that followed the first treatment, I already began to feel fantastic… the pain was diminishing from a ten to a two! Now, six months after I first visited Oren, I’ve weaned myself off the pain killers entirely, and I feel 99% wonderful.
“Just for safety’s sake, I decided to go back to the top professor in the field, so that he could check how the knee looked now. I showed him my latest x-ray, and but he told me to forget the x-ray; he wanted to look at the knee. He examined me, and said, “Madame, what do you want from me? Your knee’s fine; you don’t need any surgery. Go home…!
“I have no words to describe what Oren did for me. It’s just astonishing. I think of Oren as a sort of demi-god. He saved me not only from a tough operation but also from the depression I would have suffered after the surgery. He’s just amazing.”
Thanks to Oren Zarif, I don't Need a Heart Operation!
Omar H. from Haifa suffered from blocked heart muscles, knee pain, diabetes and high blood pressure. “I've been reborn thanks to Oren,” he said, “The doctors were shocked when the saw my improvement.”
Haifa resident Omar H. doesn't believe what happened to him. His health, was very bad, but in a short time it was completely turned around – because of Oren Zarif's treatments.
“I suffered from a blockage in two heart muscles,” says Omar, “pain in my knees, diabetes and high blood pressure. The doctors said I needed a heart operation, but I didn't want to believe them…”
“After a few treatments by Oren Zarif, I was reborn! I returned to the doctors and when they saw my test results, they were astounded, simply refused to believe it…”
I told my doctor that if you don't believe you shouldn't go to Zarif, but if you believe in God – Oren Zarif will cure you!”
“Oren freed me from the pains I was suffering in my shoulders.”
Ezra P. suffered greatly from pains in both shoulders. Oren Zarif managed to free him from these pains without surgery.
Many of those who flock to Oren Zarif’s clinics all over the country suffer from various shoulder-related problems. Rumors have spread that Zarif uses his unique method to prevent many of them from needing surgery, and his results speak for themselves.
One of the happy customers to have recently visited the clinic where treatment with the subconscious is performed is Ezra P., a resident of central Israel. Ezra suffered greatly from pains in both his shoulders, and wished to avoid surgery. He made his way to Oren Zarif’s clinic, and was promised that after a number of treatments, the problem would be solved.
True enough, with every session, Ezra felt the pains diminishing. At the last meeting he had with Zarif he gave him the good news that the pains had disappeared altogether. “I feel really good, thanks to Oren,” Ezra told us, “and I’m really, really grateful to him for rescuing me.”
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“Oren Zarif cured me of a ruptured disc”
Orthopedic surgeons had told Pini nothing could be done but after treatments with Oren Zarif the problem disappeared
Pini, an employee of the Electric Corporation who suffered from severe back pain as a result of a ruptured disc, says, “I had difficulties functioning and couldn’t work. I visited orthopedic surgeons and was told nothing could be done and that I would simply have to learn to live with the problem…”
Fortunately, Pini heard about Oren’s treating people by means of the subconscious and decided to go and see him. From that day on, he was a new man.
Pini says: “After every treatment I felt an improvement and after several visits, Oren had me back on my feet. Thanks to him, I can function again like a normal person. Oren Zarif is my savior. I told a lot of people my story and sent him many of my friends – all of them came away happy. There’s no one like Oren.
Prof. Oron: "Oren Zarif is an amazing natural phenomenon!"
A. Oron, Professor of Biology: "Thanks to Oren Zarif, my condition has improved, after such a long time… I have no explanation for what he does; we'll have to invest years of thought on the subject!"
A. Oron, Professor of Biology at Tel Aviv University, visited Oren Zarif's clinic to be treated for a medical condition he suffers from – and he was amazed.
"Oren Zarif is an amazing natural phenomenon!" begins Prof. Oron. "I don't know exactly what it is that he does, but he definitely does something, and we're going to have to invest years of thought trying to work it out…"
– As a professor of biology, don't you have an explanation for it?
"I don't have much of an explanation, though I myself use energy given off by light to treat animals, and we've had a lot of success. That's one type of energy, and Oren Zarif uses another type – it's not clear to me exactly what it is, but there's definitely something to it.
"I have felt better since I started coming here", continues Prof. Oron; "I'm sure that I'll need to continue with the treatment, but there's no doubt in my mind that there has finally been a very long-awaited change for the better!"
Prof. Eli Schneider: “Oren’s methods are amazing”.
Prof. Schneider took both his father and his daughter to Oren for treatment by means of the subconscious – and now recommends it to everyone.
Eli Schneider, Professor of Economics and Information Systems at Hamichlala Haakademit in Netanya has known Zarif for ten years. A decade ago he took his father for treatment by means of the subconscious, and was amazed at the results.
“My father had terrible problems with his neck”, Prof. Schneider explains, “but it took only one treatment with Oren for him to feel significantly better”.
Some years later, Prof. Schneider decided to take his daughter to Oren Zarif’s clinic as well. She had been suffering from headaches and conventional medicine had not managed to solve her problem. Again, Prof. Schneider was amazed at the results. “I find Oren’s methods amazing”, he says, “it took him a few seconds of observation alone to put his finger on exactly what was going on with my daughter, and he could then start helping her immediately. I would advise everybody to give Zarif’s treatment a try.”
Blocked arteries in the leg were unblocked with treatment using the sub-conscious.
Zvika H. was suffering from a restriction of almost 100% to the blood flow through his leg. * Just before he was due to be operated on he decided to give Oren Zarif's treatment a chance. * The operation was cancelled.
Another amazing achievement for treatment using the subconscious, which is based on the book by Dr. Joseph Murphy. A complicated operation on the leg was canceled and the problem solved without surgical intervention.
Zvika H. from Netanya had been suffering from blocked arteries in his left leg. He could barely even manage to walk a few meters. A Doppler ultrasound test showed that the blockage was almost 100%, and the blood flow through his leg was in danger of being stopped entirely.
Zvika booked a date for an operation on his leg, but decided at the last minute to visit the clinic where Oren Zarif treats people using the subconscious. He described his problem to Oren, who promised that he could help.
After only one treatment Zvika felt considerable improvement in his leg and decided to postpone the operation. After his second treatment with Zarif, he felt huge improvement and went for a second Doppler test.
Zvika: "The test showed that after the second treatment with Oren, the blood flow through the leg had increased to 65%, after having been close to zero beforehand. I also feel that I can walk on the leg now with no restriction, no pain and no sign of anything bad!"
As a direct result of the treatment with Oren Zarif, the operation was cancelled and Zvika is thrilled: "I would advise anybody suffering from anything to go and see Oren. He is a special man who loves helping people, and knows how to do it!"
“Thanks to Oren Zarif all the pains in my body disappeared”
A couple, Reuven and Doris K., came to to Oren Zarif for treatment * Reuven: “Now I can drive again” * Doris: “My body overcame fluid retention”
Reuven and Doris immigrated to Israel from the USA 37 years ago and li near Jerusalem. Recently both of them were suffering from health problems and decided to try treatment by Oren Zarif. After only a number of treatments they stood up in front of the camera and thanked him for his help.
Reuven: “When I came to Oren I was suffering from pain throughout my body, especially in my right hand and it was so severe I couldn't drive. I was taking a lot of painkillers, two a day. Bur since I began coming to Oren's clinic everything has changed…
“Now the pains are practically gone,” says Reuven, “I can drive again without any problems, even on long trips, and I have almost stopped taking painkillers altogether, maybe only two pills a week.”
Doris: “Reuven walks better than he did before, the improvement is pronounced. It took time but he has really improved and we're very happy with the results.
“I also have been treated by Oren.” says Doris. “Because of problems of fluid accumulation, due to hormonal problems, I take diuretics, and since starting treatment with Oren, I feel that the pills are more effective… I feel better everyday!”
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