Even senior educators come to Oren Zarif for treatment, and succeed in solving health problems that conventional medicine has given up on.
Meir is such an educator, a high school principal and pre-army technical college director, who also gives pre-Army training at a technical and engineering college.
Meir came to Oren Zarif complaining of pain in his neck. “I believed in Oren Zarif’s method, because it’s clear to me that he’s blessed with a God-given gift,” said Meir, “so after only one or two treatments, I felt much better. Oren’s method is fantastic; whoever can help people using it—more power to them.”
In addition, it appears that Zarif’s treatments have added value. “Not only was the improvement in my health amazing,” said Meir, “but the treatment itself is fun, and the relief after each treatment is fantastic.”